I am the hunter who actively tries to seduce someone else...

I enjoy looking at Louise bourgeois’ drawings, and sculpture, but I do not think I can understand the full impact of the sculpture unless I was to see it in person (in sculpture?). Being unable to connect with the images in a book I decided to read about her. I picked up a good book with great insight to the lady. I felt a great connection with her, the way she thinks, her philosophy, her approach. She is a truly beautiful person. The things she says about fear, the past, isolation, it all made a lot of sense to me. I found her words to be inspirational and even helped to inform/describe some of my own writings and thought. Here are some quotes that will stick with me:

With the emotions there is always physical reaction - the heartbeat, breathing, perspiration. The body always takes part... To make art is to wake up in a state of craving, a craving to discharge resentment, rage... Art is the privilege of insight into craving. The craving is not cured, but it is acted out, indulged and in someway understood... I am the hunter who actively tries to seduce someone else.

Nothing protects you like anonimity

I am not terrified of you... I am terrified of something you take the place of. Your visit is a repetition of something that happened in the past.

Sky scrapers reflect the human condition, they do not touch.

My early work is the fear of falling, later on it became the art of falling. How to fall without hurting yourself. Later on it is the art of hanging in there.

I find the past terribly painful tthough I am tied to it. It’s unresolved. Yet I have no taste for re-visitation. It’s landscape you have gone through and explored, and outgrown. Only tomorrow is interesting.

The move from the passive to active is life itself. It means Survival through your own will. I am not the victim, the other is. I am alive. I dispise victims; I refuse to be cast as a victim, even if I admit that I don’t know how to play the game.

With the emotions there is always physical reaction - the heartbeat, breathing, perspiration. The body always takes part... To make art is to wake up in a state of craving, a craving to discharge resentment, rage... Art is the privilege of insight into craving. The craving is not cured but it is acted out, indulged and in someway understood... I am the hunter who actively tries to seduce someone else.

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