
This is also a form of obsession based around desire, not exactly lust as sexual desire may or my not be there, and is mistaken for love due to the intensity of thoughts for the other person. It is quite possible that everyone has felt this at some point. At least everyone has experienced lust and sexual desire for another. And the majority unattainable 'love'. Desire is something that often gets repressed. Especially if there is a fear of rejection, and fear of rejection is key to the limerent condition. I was inspired by the game playing aspect of Limerence, lust, and love (and most forms of obsession, even erotomania) and so originally wrote out a description of Limerence as a game, but then this inspired a longer story focused around a limerent, obsessed, confusing lust for love. Here is a link to The Limerent. Here is a good quote on how to stop limerence. Just incase you want the antidote...

For those who wish a cure, the most certain course is prevention. Once you are in its grips your emotions are directed by the external situation, and the only effective action open to you is destruction of any opportunity for reciprocation to occur.

Limerence for a particular Limerent Object does cease under one of the following conditions: consummation - in which the bliss of reciprocation is gradually either blended into a lasting love or replaced by less positive feelings; starvation - in which even limerent sensitivity to signs of hope is useless against the onslaught of evidence that LO does not return the limerence; transformation - in which limerence is transferred to a new LO.

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